California State Beekeepers Association Annual Convention
November 17 - 19, 2015
Hilton Sacramento Arden West
Sacramento, CA
For more information visit:

We're heading to the state capitol for the annual CSBA Convention! The Events page has all the current info you need until pre-Convention Information Packets are mailed in late August/early September. The website has payment fields for Hilton Hotel Reservations, Ladies Auxiliary Dues & Luncheon, CSBA Membership Dues, Conference Registration and Exhibitor Instructions. Our field trip will be to the Mann Lake Ltd. Woodland Facility There is a link on the Events page that will take you to the sign-up form. To reserve a space, just fill out and either mail in or call the office. Bus(es) will depart the Hilton on Monday afternoon, Nov. 16th, approximately 1 pm and return in time for the President's Reception Dinner in the evening - which Mann Lake is also hosting! Both are free to registered convention attendees and a great way to start the event!