“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”
~Helen Keller
What We Do!
Member Education:
Presentations at our monthly meetings cover basic beekeeping throughout the seasons: bee habits, forage, hive maintenance, and how to test for pests that are harmful to bees. You’ll learn about using bee products and their benefits. You’ll see demonstrations on extracting honey and rendering beeswax, you’ll learn how bees make honey, and mead making. We’re informed about the latest honey bee research and changes in legislation affecting bees.
Volunteer participation is a great way to further your education about bees, and it is essential to the success of the LACBA meeting our objectives: promoting the interest of bee culture and beekeeping within LA County and enhancing the education of the general public about honey bees. As an LACBA member, you are encouraged to be of service by participation at events, educational presentations, beekeeping classes, and to become involved with our various committees.
Randy oliver - scientific beekeeping
Beekeeping Class 101:
LACBA Beekeeping Class 101 is held out in the field where experienced members demonstrate the proper use of equipment, hive management, and tests for pests harmful to bees. We take you through a season of beekeeping, from February through October (excluding September), where you learn to look at what’s going on in your hive, how to identify problems, and care for your bees. https://www.losangelescountybeekeepers.com/beekeeping-class-101/
Presentations and Workshops:
We sponsor presentations and workshops with some of beekeeping’s foremost educators, researchers, and industry leaders. There’s always the opportunity to chat about bees with our local, experienced “old timers” who love talking about bees.
Educational Outreach:
As LACBA members we have the honor, privilege, and responsibility to help educate people of all ages on the important role honeybees play in our lives. Our members volunteer to speak at events like the Los Angeles County Fair Bee Booth and AgDayLA. The LACBA promotes the interest of bee culture and beekeeping within L.A. County through education of the public.
At AgDayLA we educate 3rd & 4th graders about bees, entertaining them with fascinating facts about the important role of honeybees in our natural and urbanized worlds.

LA County Fair - Bee Booth
The LA County Fair is one of the largest county fairs in the country and the most-visited event in the Los Angeles region in September. It's an end-of-summer tradition for many.
One of the most popular exhibits at the fair is the Bee Booth, and the highlight of the Bee Booth is the LACBA Observation Hive. During the week, thousands of school children visit the Bee Booth, excited to “Find the Queen” and marvel at the “Waggle Dance.”
Fair goers of all ages get a chance to interact with experienced beekeepers, ask questions, and learn about bees.
Select volunteer members give talks at schools, gardening groups, libraries, and other organizations. The LACBA provides show and tell items and displays to help students learn why and how bees make honey, why they are needed in orchards, how to act around bees, how bees improve our quality of life, and how important it is to respect these wondrous creatures.
Funding Research:
Monies raised from our membership dues, fund raising efforts, and events, support ongoing honeybee research. Each year the LACBA contributes to the California State Beekeepers Association Research Fund which awards grants to multiple bee related projects and to other education and research entities.
Supporting Bee-friendly Legislation:
Members are involved with efforts in local cities to change beekeeping ordinances and establish best management practices. We contribute to the California State Beekeepers Association Right to Farm Fund which pays for representation in Sacramento to promote and protect honey bees working in agriculture. We advocate to insure the honey purchased in stores is properly labeled: 100% pure, and identifies where it is produced (USA). https://www.losangelescountybeekeepers.com/legislation/
Being Informed:
Though our website, Facebook, and emails, we endeavor to keep you informed on the latest information, research and news about bees.
Having Fun!
If there's one thing we love to do, it's socialize — and talk — for hours — about bees! Whether chatting it up with “newbees” or “oldtimers” our joy is the care, welfare, and protection of the honey bee. Check out our Facebook Photo Albums!
2016 Facebook Photo Album - Bee Booth
2017 Facebook Photo Album - Bee Booth
2018 Facebook Photo Album - Bee Booth
2019 Facebook Photo Album - Bee Booth