Benefits of LACBA Membership

The Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association is a great place to be for the new bee and the experienced beekeeper. Interaction between varying levels of beekeepers elicits cross-pollination in research, knowledge, application, and change for the benefit all.

Memberships available:  

  • Non-Voting Membership (Household) $20/year - Become A Member!

    If this is your first time signing up for a membership a non-voting membership is the right membership for you.

  • Voting Membership (Household) $20/year* - Become A Member!

    Our voting membership is reserved for members who:

    • are renewing their membership for another year

    • who have attended at least 6 monthly meetings in the last calendar year

    • who completed a minimum of 5 volunteer hours in the last calendar year

      *If you do not meet the above requirements for a voting membership, your membership status will be switched to a non-voting membership.

  • Club Sponsor Membership** $45/year - Become A Member!

    A club sponsor membership provides the opportunity for qualifying voting members, who are in good standing, to list their bee products and bee related services on the LACBA website: Bees for Sale, Bee/Swarm Removal, Honey & Bee Products for sale, and Mentoring Services. 

    **If you do not meet the requirements for a voting membership, your membership status will be switched to a non-voting membership and you will be removed from the related services website listing. You also must be a member in good standing, as deemed by the board, to hold a Club sponsor Membership.


We have at least 10 great meetings a year where:

  • Speakers present the latest of what is going on in beekeeping.

  • We learn about bees and bee products.

  • We learn Best Management Practices for keeping bees.

  • We discuss issues we are having with our own bees and receive valuable insight and information.

  • We receive information on a national level.

  • We become involved on a legislative level. 

  • We learn what is affecting the bee world globally and how we may be of service.

We celebrate the holidays with an Annual LACBA Holiday Banquet.

Beekeeping Class 101:

LACBA membership entitles you to participate in our Beekeeping Class 101. See Beekeeping Class 101 for more information.

Volunteer Opportunities:

LACBA members volunteer at events such as:

  • In May, LACBA members volunteer at the LA County Fair Bee Booth where we share what we have learned about honeybees with the general public. It's also a great opportunity for us to test our own knowledge of beekeeping through interaction with the curious of all ages. 

  • LACBA members participate in AgDayLA where thousands of 3rd and 4th graders learn about bees

  • LA Zoo Spring Fling

  • The California Honey Harvest Festival


LACBA members give presentations at libraries, schools, clubs, and other organizations.  

The Latest Buzz:

LACBA members receive email updates, news and information.

Become A Member!