Honey Extractor Lending Program

The Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association has several honey extractors available to lend to paid members of the association.

There are 3 club owned extractors and a few members who are willing to lend their extractors to members.

Members can contact Christine Arnesen at curlycat@att.net or (818) 582-1102 (cell) to arrange borrowing an extractor.

The club owned extractors are housed in West Valley, Pasadena, and Manhattan Beach.
The members willing to loan their personal extractor are located in South Pasadena, Arcadia, Leona Valley, Torrance, and Echo Park.

Borrowers will be asked for a $100 refundable deposit and required to return all the equipment clean and undamaged.

The following 2 documents are used in the program.
LACBA Honey Extractor Rental Agreement
LACBA Honey Extracting General Instructions