California State Beekeepers Association Annual Convention


November 17 - 19, 2015

Hilton Sacramento Arden West 

Sacramento, CA 

For more information visit:

We're heading to the state capitol for the annual CSBA Convention! The Events page has all the current info you need until pre-Convention Information Packets are mailed in late August/early September. The website has  payment fields for Hilton Hotel Reservations, Ladies Auxiliary Dues & Luncheon, CSBA Membership Dues, Conference Registration and Exhibitor Instructions.  Our field trip will be to  the  Mann Lake Ltd. Woodland Facility There is a link on the Events page that will take you to the sign-up form. To reserve a space, just fill out and either mail in or call the office. Bus(es) will depart the Hilton on Monday afternoon, Nov. 16th, approximately 1 pm and return in time for the President's Reception Dinner in the  evening - which Mann Lake is also hosting! Both are free to registered convention attendees and a great way to start the event!

LA County Fair Bee Booth - Last Day!

Today's the last day of the LA County Fair. The Bee Booth is our club's biggest event of the year. Funds raised from honey sold at the Bee Booth go to support all our educational activities throughout the year and helps send volunteer members to the Annual Convention of the  California State Beekeepers Association. Members who go to the convention are the club's scout bees; they meet with other beekeepers, researchers, and educators who are on the forefront of the changes and problems facing honey bees today. They return to our meeting and share their knowledge with us. Let's help support the LACBA and all our great educational endeavors.  Buzz by the Bee Booth - learn a lot about bees. Hope to see you at the fair!



LA County Fair Bee Booth - Last 2 Days!

Last 2 Days of the Fair (Sat & Sun) Sept 26-27, 2015
Pomona Fairgrounds
1101 W. McKinley Ave.
Pomona, CA 91768

Princess Hayden (2015 American Honey Princess) and Keith Roberts (2015 President, Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association) at the 2015 LA County Fair Bee Booth.

Princess Hayden talks about bees and beekeeping.      




Buzz by today, meet the American Honey Princess, she talks about Bees & Beekeeping and Cooking with Honey. Check in at the Bee Booth (Behind the Big Red Barn).

For more

For more pix see our 2015 Bee Booth Album on Facebook.

Visit our FB page: