You Can Help

The following suggestion is from Jay Evans, Research Leader
USDA-ARS Bee Research Lab
BARC-E Bldg 306 Beltsville, MD

Dear friends,

Elaine Akst, from our community here, has suggested a great way to help health care workers. She knows that many beekeepers have n95 masks on hand for applying oxalic acid to colonies.

*Should beekeepers have extra unused units and/or filters they are STRONGLY encouraged to donate these, in their packages, to their local health care providers, hospitals, or fire/EMT stations. Similar programs tapping into masks on the shelves of residents have helped in Seattle. Any way to elevate this message, maybe via FB or your respective lists??

Best wishes and be safe,
Jay Evans
Research Leader
USDA-ARS Bee Research Lab
BARC-E Bldg 306 Beltsville, MD 20705 USA
Ph 301-504-5143 FX 301-504-8736

honey bee collects pollen James Nieh.jpg