Fundraiser for LACBA
/Come have a fun night out and raise money for LACBA!
Come have a fun night out and raise money for LACBA!
POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER - new date will be Sunday 6-25-2023
Selena Rampolla, the 2023 American Honey Queen, will visit California May 7-15. She will be a guest of the Los Angeles County Beekeepers Associations at the Los Angeles County Fair, speaking to fairgoers about the importance of honeybees to California agriculture and how the flower, the bee, and society form a symbiotic relationship. She will also share information about the many surprising uses for honey. Selena’s trip is sponsored by the Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association.
Selena is the 21-year-old daughter of Faye Turke and Renato Rampolla of Lutz and Tampa, Florida. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of South Florida with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She enjoys exploring the arts and sciences with specific interests in photography, neuroscience, and honeybees.
As the 2023 American Honey Queen, Selena serves as a national spokesperson on behalf of the American Beekeeping Federation, a trade organization representing beekeepers and honey producers throughout the United States. The American Honey Queen and Princess speak and promote in venues nationwide, and, as such Queen Selena will travel throughout the United States in 2023. Prior to being selected as the American Honey Queen, Selena served as the 2022 Florida Honey Queen. In this role, she promoted the honey industry at fairs, festivals, and farmers’ markets and via media interviews.
The beekeeping industry touches the lives of every individual in our country. In fact, honeybees are responsible for nearly one-third of our entire diet, in regards to the pollination services that they provide for a large majority of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. This amounts to nearly $19 billion per year of direct value from honeybee pollination to United States agriculture.
The Bee informed partnership is asking beekeepers to fill out a survey
It’s time again to rally and support the beekeeping community! We are formally requesting the help of every beekeeper: you, your neighbors, your bee club and all the beekeepers you know.
The survey is open and accepting responses from April 1st to April 30th 2023. Please take a moment to submit your response to help us continue to inform beekeepers, researchers, policy makers, and the greater public about impacts to honey bee colony health.
Visit to join in the effort, learn more, and take the survey!
To go directly to the survey visit
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Funds raised through donations go to honey bee education and research. Thank you
LACBA meetings are held the first Monday of the Month on Zoom and in person
Next General Meeting February 3, 2025
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, promoting diversity in beekeeping. Funds raised through donations go to honey bee education and research.
Copyright @ 2011, 2020 Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association. All Rights Reserved.
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