Busy Week for LACBA Members!!!

Los Angeles County Beekeeping Class 101, Class #5, June 10, 2017, 9AM-Noon, hosted at The Valley Hive. Location: 9633 Baden Ave., Chatsworth, CA, 93063, (818) 260-6500. Bee Suits Required.


6th Annual 2017 California Honey Harvest Festival & BBQ Championship, Saturday, June 10, 2017, 9:00AM-5PM  Central Park in Downtown Fillmore, CA. LACBA members/beekeepers ride the rails from the park to Bennet's Honey Farm, sharing information, education, and bee stories along the way. Maybe you've only had a couple beekeeping classes and might not think you know much about bees -- you'd be surprised how much you learn in the doing and, you don't need to be an experienced beekeeper to help out at our Honey Bee Table. GREAT FUN!
Learn more: /events/, http://www.bennetthoney.com/BHF-Events.html

LACBA Annual Holiday Dinner - Monday, December 5, 2016


WHERE: Pickwick Gardens
1001 Riverside Dr.
Burbank, CA 91506
Conference Center 

WHEN: Monday, December 5, 2016
TIME: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM  (Doors open at 6, we dine about 6:30)

In case you didn't get the Evite email, please RSVP at the Evite pagePickwick GardensMap.

ON THE AGENDA:  Our president, Keith Roberts, will be speaking about his visions for our future. We will be voting on new officers, and ratifying our legalization as a 501(c)3 non-profit!

WHO: This is a family-friendly open event - feel free to bring your spouse, partner, kids, and friends.

HOW MUCH: $10/person.  

WHAT TO BRING: Please bring either an appetizer or dessert to share (6-8 servings is plenty).
Potluck by last name: A-M Desserts  N-Z Appetizers    

RAFFLE: Tickets are $1. Members renewing for 2017 get 5 free tickets. Please bring any items you'd like to contribute to the raffle on the night of the dinner.

CATERING: Once again, we are so pleased to announce our wonderful dinner will be provided by Outback Catering (LACBA Member, Doug Noland).  Beverages will be provided by Pickwick Gardens. 

CSBA Honors Clyde Steese with the 2016 Young Beekeeper of the Year Award

California State Beekeepers Association 
2016 Young Beekeeper of the Year
Clyde Steese 

At the CSBA Awards Banquet on Thursday, November, 2016, Clyde Steese was honored with the 2016 Young Beekeeper of the Year Award. Awards Chairman, Alan Milkolich, presented the award to Clyde and had these choice words to share with us: 

"A young man he is not.  A young beekeeper whom the bees have taught many lessons he is.  He is a successful (meaning the bees are paying for themselves with a little $ left over) 1st generation beekeeper.  Honey bees found him when they swarmed into a box in his backyard about 16 years ago.  He could not find anyone to take the bees or remove them for a reasonable cost so he decided to keep them and gave them a home.  Soon the back yard was overrun with bee hives, the neighbors were starting to complain, and more importantly his wife was starting to tell him he had to do something about all the bees. 

He connected with his local Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association and soon found an alternate location to pursue his new passion.  When he was up to about 30 colonies, he purchased a 24 foot flatbed truck, no forklift and no place to park a truck that size.  What do you do?  Call a friend.  Fast forward: 

He has served as Vice President and President of the Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association and currently is on the Board of Directors.  His most notable contribution has been as coordinator for the LACBA annual fundraiser/bee display at the Los Angeles County Fair going on too many years to remember. 

He is currently serving a term as a member of the Certified Farmers Market Advisory Committee that advises CDFA  on issues concerning Direct Marketing of Agricultural Products and Farmers Markets.  

He gives back with plenty of advice and lessons learned by teaching newbees at monthly Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association bee classes.    

Just a few of the lessons learned include: 

Do not buy a bunch of used equipment:  You may just inherit a bad case of foul brood.                      

Do not spend a lot of $ on an untested solution to varroa and always go back and test for mites to see if your plan for surviving with mites is working:  $5000 worth of Russian bees and queens that did not make it through the winter.

What to do when your truck breaks down with a full load of bees:  Blown water pump on the International flatbed truck with a full load of hives.  Fortunately only 1/4 mile from the top of the grade and was able to limp to the top before all the coolant ran out of the engine.  From there a 3 mile coast with no power steering and limited amount of air for the brakes.  2 right turns another 1/4 mile and a left turn into the driveway close enough to unload the bees and run them to the drop location with the forklift.  Then call your wife at 1am to come and get you, a 2 hour drive from home.

Have a plan in place for a flat tire:  Blown tire at about midnight on a Sunday night with a full truck load of bees and still a 3 hour drive ahead of you.

Always securely tie down your load even if you are only going 100 yds. so a 3000 lb. tote of sugar syrup does not fall off your truck, split open, and flow down hill through the back door of your partner’s house and into his wife’s kitchen.  

Beekeeping keeps Clyde Steese young.

Stubbornness and persistence are virtues."

(Note: Congratulations, Clyde. Thank you for all you do for the betterment of honey bees, beekeepers, and the beekeeping community. ~ LACBA)

LACBA Members at the 2016 CSBA Convention

From November 15-17, 2016, over 20 members of the Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association joined over 300 beekeepers for the 127th Annual Calfornia State Beekeepers Association convention at the Kona-Kai Resort in San Diego, CA. What a great time we had mingling with commercial & backyard beekeepers to learn more about honey bees and beekeeping. We heard about the latest bee research from some of the top educators and researchers in the industry. Vendors were on hand demonstrating the latest beekeeping equipment and supplies.    

This is one of the best bee conferences in the country and we look forward to next year. We had a wonderful time and hope you can join us. Check out our photo album on our LACBA Facebook page.  

 Some of our LACBA members gather outside the Kona-Kai

 LACBA members check out the newest Hummerbee!

CSBA Awards Banquet 

(Note: Thank you to everyone for the great pictures for our CSBA 2016 Photo Albumon our LACBA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/losangelesbeekeeping/: Eva Andrews, Robin Finkelstein, Bill Lewis, Misty Mussenden, Joy Pendell, Bill Rathfelder, and Jon Reese.)