Bee Booth - 2016 Labor Day Weekend!


Pomona Fairgrounds 
1101 West McKinley Ave., 
Pomona, CA 91768 

(The Bee Booth is across from the 'Big Red Barn')

September 2-25, 2016

Labor Day Weekend was the opening weekend for the LA County Fair.
We had a great time. Lots of Family Fun at the Bee Booth! Thank you to all the families who paused for a moment for pictures. 

Buzz by, learn about bees, find the queen, pick up some pure, local honey! 

Check out our Bee Booth Photo Album on Facebook:

Beekeeping Class 101 - Class #6: Honey Extracting and More About Bees

Next Beekeeping Class 101 is Sunday, August 21, 2016, 9AM-Noon at Bill's Bees Bee Yard. BEE SUITS REQUIRED. We may do some honey extracting during this class. If you have honey frames to extract, let Bill Lewis know in advance and we will arrange to extract YOUR HONEY as part of our bee class. Send Bill an email at or call 818-312-1691 to get on the bee class extracting schedule. We can provide a bucket for extracted honey or bring your own. Look forward to seeing you. For more info on our Beekeeping Class 101 go to: /beekeeping-classes-losangeles

The Valley Hive Celebrates National Honeybee Day

The Valley Hive - 1st Honey Tasting and Recipe Contest in Celebration of National Honeybee Day.

When: Saturday, August 20th 4-7pm  

Where: The West End Tavern
21356 Devonshire Street
Chatsworth, CA 

Our friends at The West End Tavern in Chatsworth have generously offered their location for this event. Beatrice, the bartender extraordinaire, will be on hand to make her amazing Honey Cocktail creations. 

WHAT: Beekeepers from the Los Angeles area will have an opportunity to showcase their Backyard Honey. Each entry will be judged by our panel of Honey Experts from all over Southern California. After a winner is chosen, the honey will be available for public tasting.

 Why: It’s National Honeybee Day and that’s something to celebrate!

Guidelines to Enter: Is your honey the best in town? Do you have a favorite honey recipe? Entering our contest couldn’t be easier!!

1. Fill out the form

2. We need two 1 pound jars of your honey: one in an unmarked jar for the contest; the other jar should be labeled, and will be sold at the event. All proceeds will be donated to a charity dedicated to helping to Save the Buzz!  

3. Bring your honey to The Valley Hive or bring it to The West End Tavern by 3:30pm on August 20th. Be sure to fill out the form above so that we know to include your honey in the competition!

4. If you are entering a honey recipe, simply let us know what you are making and bring it to The West End Tavern by 3:30pm on August 20th.

 The Valley Hive Shipping Address is: 9633 Baden Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311

The Valley Hive
The Valley Hive Event on Website
The Valley Hive Event on Facebook



Bee-Friendly Gardening Seminar by Merrill Kruger of Design By Nature Studio

“On Monday, August 1st, Merrill Kruger offered the Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association a ‘Bee Friendly Gardening’ seminar where Ms. Kruger illustrated a variety of natural bee habitat options. The slide show included a myriad of styles of water destinations as well as planning for continuous nectar sources throughout the year by using a combination of edibles, ornamentals, and natives. Bee-loved plants were highlighted along with their maintenance considerations. Drought issues were addressed with sustainable gardening techniques including pruning to increase flower yields, cultivating healthy soils, weed and disease prevention, passive water harvesting, and water conservation. Charts and graphs explaining the added nutritional value of organic produce and illustrated the correlation between pesticide use, human health, and hive decline; making a strong case for the inherent risks associated with purchasing chemical pesticides and foods that were produced using chemical pesticides. A myriad of methods for managing pests and weeds in mechanical, and otherwise non-toxic, ways were mentioned as well.

To continue the effort of growing more bee friendly gardens in Southern California, there is a plan in the works for Ms. Kruger to curate two plant sales / workshops, hosted by The Valley Hive, during the 2016-2017 planting season; the first for ‘Native Plants + Care’ in the Winter, and the second for ‘Edible Plants + Care’ in the early Spring. If you’re interested, please sing out to let The Valley Hive or Design By Nature know that you’d enjoy either, or both, of these special events. You can visit, LIKE Design By Nature on Facebook as ‘Design By Nature Landscape Studio’ and/or follow Ms. Kruger on Instagram as @merrill_mel to stay in touch.” 

(NOTE: The members of the Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association would like to thank Ms. Kruger for her informative and inspiring presentation on Bee-Friendly Gardening.)